Weekly Progress Report Thread: Parallel Bidirectional Bus

This is the final update for my project. The current state of project as of today is that we have a functional bidirectional communication between ARM and PRU using gpio interface in the sysfs and char dev interface in /dev . Also PRU i/o has been extended using shift registers.

Following software has been implemented to achieve the end goal

  1. Gpiochip driver is implemented.
  2. Firmware to interface 2 shift registers (74HC299 and 74HC595)and incorporate rpmsg is implemented
  3. systemd service and shell scripts to configure pin-modes has been implemented.
  4. Userspace code in C language to send and receive data has been implemented
  5. All the Documentation , technical description, code , how to use guides , blogpost links, references and future improvement scope can be accessed using this Wiki link.

Thanks for the opportunity, it has been a great learning experience for me. I could learn a lot of new concepts in this short time and explored new programming domains like kernel module programming . Also could interact with amazing people in the beagle-bone channels.Thanks to the mentors for their great support during the project. In the future I will work on extending this implementation and improving it .

Looking forward to work on more exciting projects and long term association with the community.