I’ve been looking into the documentation libpruio: Main Page as a result of your post Beaglebone Black PRU to ARM High Speed Data Transfer - #14 by DTJF …
Am I correct that there is not any discrete PRU programming in this paradigm, but that the ARM program (‘c’, python, basic?) invokes library code that run on the PRU?
There is not much that I’m sure about with your project, but I am sure that it is unlikely that I will endure the pain to build it. other than the above link, I read several topics outlining difficulty getting the environment set up.
My own bias is NOT to chase the latest images from the worthy @RobertCNelson but to stick with one that I am familiar with. Unless I need a new feature unavailable on an image that I am using, I’m content to stick with an older image. My BBBs are not near the perimeter of my network, and I don’t worry too much about them being compromised. This strategy also has flaws.
Have you considered posting an image that has libpruio set up and ready for your examples? I ask out of sincere ignorance, I don’t know whether posting an image is a good idea or not.