3.8.13 - Unable to flash Beaglebone Black Rev C with SD card

Which is why i added the uenv_root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 variable in /boot/uEnv.txt 8-9 years ago, to override the automatic setting of /dev/mmcblkXpY

Nope, exactly what i said… “a fresh format” blow the data on it way via dd and try reformat it with fsck.ext4 before re-flashing it… Honesty, based on those i/o errors, it’s almost dead…

uuid/partuuid, it was all fragile… Once mainline accepted the mmc name patch, we’ve thrown all that old fragile stuff out…

The error only showed up when booting from 3.8.13-bone79 on SD. I didn’t see such error booting from 3.8.13-bone79 on emmc or any newer images on SD or emmc. Was it one of problems 3.8.13-bone79 has? Even on emmc, we need an override (uenv_root=/dev/mmcblk0p2) to boot up and it looks like a problem for all older images that 3.8.13-bone79. I am glad with your help, now I can roll my BBB back to bone79 on emmc. Thanks and truly appreciate your help.

That’s good news, it’s easy to replace a bad/broken microSD…
