I liked the idea of having the convenience and beginner friendly nature of PlatformIO. I started a discussion on PIO forum regarding this Discussion about PIO support in Single board computers - PlatformIO Community
There are two way to go about it, either get toolchains working and integrated into PIO somehow or start with integrating using PIO Remote.
I would like to get some perspective on this.
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Hello @Saiprasad_Patil ,
I tried a very long time ago with linux and PIO alongside with the BBB taking away from what they have done with the RPi. I did not get too far before other builds needed to take place.
I hope you find some success.
P.S. I also tried native
on the PIO interface…
I think your link is no good. I tried to click it and I am faced with an error on my side.
Thank you for the comment, I’ve started some efforts in both ways. Also updated the discussion link.
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I reviewed the link again. it works! I looked over the very fresh state of that proposal. I wish you luck and enduring sight.
P.S. They have a Native
build appliance within PIO on VS Code but they must have taken away from the Pi stuff and/or Linux builds they used to have in 2022. I could not find the correct links and/or the correct way to research their local board referencing outside of Microcontrollers. I think it would work well with smaller, less power hungry devices that do not carry Linux but I am an amature at PIO still.
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I managed to setup a cross compilation tool-chain, (from linaro), and ran a simple hello world. A issue seems to be that the last updated version of glibc on bbb is 2.31 whereas the tool chain compiles with 2.34. A simple workaround is to statically link the binary, which is the one I am using as of now, but it’ll definitely increase the size. Would like to get some insights on this.
Also the discussion on PIO suggests that if we get a tool-chain setup, it might be possible to integrate with PIO. Will continue exploring…
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I managed to setup a linaro toolchain for cross compilation on windows. The toolchain is invoked through Platform IO and generates a elf that executes on the beagle bone. For further details on this you can checkout the discussion the platform io forum A discussion related to Platform IO support for beagle boards
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