Accessing user space from C code

What is the appropriate manner in which to access and change pins exposed through the sysfs in compiled code?
ie: change PWM parameters in C

Example Configuration:
Following example shows steps to configure the PWM for 100 HZ with 50% duty cycle.

target$ echo 1 >  /sys/class/pwm/ehrpwm.2:0/request
target$ echo 100 > /sys/class/pwm/ehrpwm.2:0/period_freq
target$ echo 50 > /sys/class/pwm/ehrpwm.2:0/duty_percent
target$ echo 1 > /sys/class/pwm/ehrpwm.2:0/run

Based on further investigations I’ve found some information regarding this.

Kernel maintainers seem to object to the idea of direct reads and writes…which I seem to agree with. Doesn’t seem like a reliable production technique.

This library based on the udev utilities seems like the most robust and reasonable way to go about things.

I’m used to embedded micro controllers without OS overhead. How is this done under Linux?

Steve wrote:

What is the appropriate manner in which to access and change pins exposed through the sysfs in compiled code?
ie: change PWM parameters in C

open(), write(), close()



This code will print out the proper pin configuration, but I can’t change it.

MemMapAddressContMod = (volatile uint32_t *) mmap(NULL, CONT_MOD_REG_LENGTH,
if (MemMapAddressContMod == (volatile uint32_t *) MAP_FAILED) {
perror(“mmap failed for Control Module Registers”);
return 1;
//Set Port 9 Pin 14 to ehrpwm1A_mux1
MemMapAddressContMod[CONF_GPMC_A2_OFFSET / sizeof(uint32_t)] = 0x6;
fprintf (stderr,“mmap of mux %d\n”,MemMapAddressContMod[CONF_GPMC_A2_OFFSET / sizeof(uint32_t)]);

If I…

echo “any number” > /sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux/gpmc_a2

the code will fprintf the new value

this code is borrowed from here!searchin/beagleboard/mux$20pwm$20/beagleboard/p7LmXqIpTNk/13sey5a9dtIJ