Adafruit-BBIO Python 3.13 Support

Hi! Recently I was tasked on upgrading a BeagleBone Black’s Python version from 3.9 to 3.13. I followed the steps found in this page: Then, when I tried installing the Adafruit-BBIO API using pip install, it fails. Here is the final message I get: ERROR: Failed building wheels for some pyproject.toml based projects. I am using the following BeagleBone Build: am335x-debian-11-7-2023-08-05-4gb-emmc-iot-flasher I installed the latest OS updates and upgrades and tried the following options:

  • Linked all pip options to pip3.13
    (sudo ln -sf $(which pip3.13) /usr/bin/pip
    sudo ln -sf $(which pip3.13) /usr/bin/pip3)

  • pip3.13 install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

  • Installing Missing System Dependencies
    (sudo apt install build-essential python3.13-dev)

  • Installing from Binary Wheel instead
    pip3.13 install Adafruit_BBIO --prefer-binary

  • Ignore pyproject.toml
    (pip3.13 install Adafruit_BBIO --no-build-isolation)

I was able to install something simple like pip3.13 install requests
and when the BeagleBone was using Python 3.9 I was able to install the Adafruit BBIO API without any issues. I am just wondering if it is possible that Adafruit BBIO is not supported by Python 3.13 or I did the Python 3.13 installation incorrectly. Any help or suggestions are more than welcome!

Correct someone needs to take over maintainer-ship and upgrade BBIO for newer versions of Python.


Hi Robert, I hope you are well! Thank you for your response, I truly appreciate it!