@foxsquirrel , this laser cuts and does or did a fine job at engraving parts.
It does nothing to aluminum, i.e. anodized or not. I found some burn on paints with a specific type of alcohol that melts into the “pores” of the metal. It is really a bake on feel of sorts.
I have had this one since 2015 and tomfoolery got the best of me. Others were quick to disengage wiring that was detrimental to the workings of the laser and the software…anyway.
So, without thinking that someone would sabotage the get up, I took it completely apart and found little to no help anywhere. Then, BBG! Back at it!
I can cut 1/4" woods with the laser and cut 1/8" plastics like HDPE and others…
One day, poof. No more. The machine refused to work. All the electronics were placed well in the inside compartments of the machine. Testing became labor and a chore. So, BBG!
It is like the Sun stopped shinning for a split second do to the Moon.
Yeppers, Balsa and other 1/8" and 1/16" woods work well. My plan on this model of laser was pure fanatics but I grew to like to make things with it. I even found parts online of crosses that I was going to cut out of plastics to make the BBBlue hexacopter from ArduPilot.
That is when things went “South”. Bamboozled and sabotaged to the core. Blah.
Some people…
Yea…galvo is beyond me for now. My income stayed and inflation rued the day of my payments! Argh and garble.
So yep, the Acorn is up and running. I will invest in OD instead of IR lenses for some safety measures here this time and forever when using a machine like this one.
The IR is more for plasma cutters like when welding with that wavelength of 200 nm to 1400 nm.
I am slowly learning the difference of my “keen” insight into the journey of follies until classified as “sought” or at least useful.
I had some big plans on the BBBlue when it came out and that fellow that ported the armhf port from the ArduPilot source to the am335x. Pure bliss. I was chatting with people, making “waves,” and trying to find out how I could be part of the local chapter of amateur flyers.
Although the local chapter is more on what you plan on doing after retirement with rotors and planes, I wanted to introduce something I thought the world could have with them if needed.
Like, flying BBBlues for leisure activities, learning Linux as a portable OS, and software infrastructure.
P.S. I think I made the wrong “waves” within the community of ArduPilot at first. It was even told that one fellow/lady/online personality said they would post me as a bug in the community. Ha. I yelled at the wall for 10 seconds and then got over it. I think I would like to take back what the wall heard but in future reference, count to 10 and not yell for 10. Ha.
I was not well received as a Copter Pilot at the local chapter or at the local shop where I found the chapter to be located near me.
So, in hindsight, I think I saved myself a life lesson and learned along the way! But! But! But! If there are more drones in store, I would triple-love to rehash the builds!