I am trying to toggle GPIO outputs with my BB-AI64. I have the latest install from ARM64 - Debian 11.x (Bullseye) - Monthly Snapshots - 2023-09-02 and got a wifi module up and running (AX210).
With no mods to the system, apart from the wpa_supplicant for the wifi, I am trying to do a basic GPIO output control. So far, when observing the line on the scope (probe into P8), all I get is 750mV, so High-Z on the line. I tried multiple pins on P8 and P9 and always get the same result.
In the following two attempts , I probe pin 7 of connector P8 and never see any activity, always 750mV.
Method 1: from the documentation at:
debian@BeagleBone-AI64:~$ gpioinfo | grep P8_07
line 15: "P8_07" unused input active-high
debian@BeagleBone-AI64:~$ gpiodetect
gpiochip0 [42110000.gpio] (84 lines)
gpiochip1 [600000.gpio] (128 lines)
gpiochip2 [601000.gpio] (36 lines)
debian@BeagleBone-AI64:~$ gpiofind P8_07
gpiochip1 15
debian@BeagleBone-AI64:~$ gpioset 1 15=1
debian@BeagleBone-AI64:~$ gpioset --mode=wait 1 15=1
->> scope trace for P8 pin 7 always stays Hi-Z
debian@BeagleBone-AI64:~$ gpioinfo | grep P8_07
line 15: "P8_07" unused output active-high
Method 2: from the post AI-64 - GPIO sysfs
debian@BeagleBone-AI64:~$ gpiodetect
gpiochip0 [42110000.gpio] (84 lines)
gpiochip1 [600000.gpio] (128 lines)
gpiochip2 [601000.gpio] (36 lines)
debian@BeagleBone-AI64:~$ gpiofind P8_07
gpiochip1 15
debian@BeagleBone-AI64:~$ ls -ltr /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip428 -> ../../devices/platform/bus@100000/bus@100000:bus@28380000/42110000.gpio/gpio/gpiochip428
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip300 -> ../../devices/platform/bus@100000/600000.gpio/gpio/gpiochip300
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip264 -> ../../devices/platform/bus@100000/601000.gpio/gpio/gpiochip264
debian@BeagleBone-AI64:~$ echo 315 > /sys/class/gpio/export
debian@BeagleBone-AI64:~$ ls /sys/class/gpio/
export gpio315 gpiochip264 gpiochip300 gpiochip428 unexport
debian@BeagleBone-AI64:~$ echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio315/direction
debian@BeagleBone-AI64:~$ echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio315/value
->> scope trace for P8 pin 7 always stays Hi-Z
Iâm thinking I am missing a step to enable the outputs? Any suggestion or pointer to the right documentation would be appreciated!
Thank you