BBAI-64: Reading/Fetching Data from Raspberry Pi Camera via CSi2 Connectors

Hello Everyone!
I wanted to get data from a Raspberry Pi Camera Rev 1.3 via the CSI2 Connectors in the BBAI-64. I am not able to do so using v4lx nor ffmpeg. Would be really helpful if someone could provide some insight.

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I do not talk for everyone but I do speak for hearsay. I heard that people working on the BBAI-64 are working on it.


P.S. Now, what steps are being taken? No clue. I am w/ you, though. I would like to be able to one day use the CSI-2 camera interfaces and use stereo cams!

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Me too :smiley:

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This seems duplicate of RPi Cam V2 (Sony IMX219) w/ Edge AI Demos - #14 by murc585

Currently we are able to detect the IMX219 raw image sensor on both the CSI connectors/interfaces but, still not able to fetch the image data from sensor. you may follow the thread above to keep yourself updated on this.

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