BBB and ftdi problem

I finished my first Android from but i can’t connect my usb to serial (using ftdi chip) to USB host on BBB. I try to re build kernel and enable device driver in kconfig but still not working . Please help

Black has no FTDI

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I think he is using usb to ttl converter like with the FTDI on chip…
I’m using it with different RCnelson kernels (3.8 - 3.12) and it works seamless

Thank you Giuseppe, i follow step by step from this link and using kernel 3.8 but my USB host on BBB can’t connect to FTDI on chip and USB flash drive it’s not works too, so what wrong with that.

Help Please !!!

Have you tried contacting TI?


Missing lots of details.. Please post your serial boot log with the
devices plugged in to

Otherwise can you verify your board with this posted image:
