BBB wifi lockup

I’m having an issue with my USB wifi adapter, in that if there is no activity in an SSH session for a while (i’m guessing for an hour or so), the board locks up, becomes unresponsive even to ethernet requests, etc. and must be rebooted. If I maintain activity on the link (running top, for example) everything runs fine.
I am running Debian Wheezy from the eMMC and am using an Edimax 7811 wifi adapter. iwconfig tells me power management is off.
I have run a watch on dmesg to see if any messages are being output before lockup - there are none.
Any ideas?

I have this (both rpi and bbb boards):

~$ cat /etc/modprobe.d/8192cu.conf
# disable power management and usb auto-suspend for wireless card:
options 8192cu rtw_power_mgnt=0 rtw_enusbss=0
# cat /sys/module/8192cu/parameters/rtw_power_mgnt


That didn’t work for me, but the saga continues: (I’m now testing the Debian 2014.1.29 image)

with the following steps:

  1. Using the wpa-supplicant daemon
  2. turning wireless-power off (this seems to work only when I use wpa-supplicant)
  3. pinging my router once a minute

I still lose ssh-ability after a few hours of inactivity.

I did notice this when monitoring dmesg:

[ 1686.041730] wlan0: deauthenticated from 00:21:29:f0:a1:b0 (Reason: 6)

[ 1686.054252] cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain

[ 1686.994733] wlan0: authenticate with 00:21:29:f0:a1:b0

[ 1687.001558] wlan0: send auth to 00:21:29:f0:a1:b0 (try 1/3)

[ 1687.004305] wlan0: authenticated

[ 1687.006006] wlan0: associate with 00:21:29:f0:a1:b0 (try 1/3)

[ 1687.015077] wlan0: RX AssocResp from 00:21:29:f0:a1:b0 (capab=0x411 status=0


[ 1687.016215] wlan0: associated

[ 2202.567679] wlan0: deauthenticated from 00:21:29:f0:a1:b0 (Reason: 6)

[ 2202.578226] cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain

[ 2203.502671] wlan0: authenticate with 00:21:29:f0:a1:b0

[ 2203.509575] wlan0: send auth to 00:21:29:f0:a1:b0 (try 1/3)

[ 2203.511759] wlan0: authenticated

[ 2203.513860] wlan0: associate with 00:21:29:f0:a1:b0 (try 1/3)

[ 2203.535381] wlan0: RX AssocResp from 00:21:29:f0:a1:b0 (capab=0x411 status=0


[ 2203.536315] wlan0: associated

So it looks like wlan0 is getting de -and- reauthenticated every 10 minutes or so. What causes this?