Let me know if you want me to move this to its own thread.
I ran into a problem corrupting the eemc on BBB-Wireless working through upgrading to blaster.
I updated /etc/apt/sources.list as recommended above, then apt update → apt upgrade.
I input yes to the 2 questions asking if I wanted to update to the new distribution files. Everything seemed fine.
I then ran apt autoremove which was recommended earlier in the upgrade process and the BBB froze up.
Upon restart the power, WL & BT leds came on, but nothing on the USR leds.
I backed up & reinstalled the 4.19.94-ti-r42 flasher image and that restored everything, but upon trying to update and upgrade that with latest buster I get the corruption again. During the upgrade using cloud9 I am getting an error “Failed to write state settings” flshing quickly and disappearing.
After the update the system does start, but the USR leds are dead.
I redid the whole process using VScode remote explorer. Nothing on problems screen, nothing on output.
Upon reboot the USR leds are not functioning. Update doesn’t produce anything upgradable except c9-core-installer which doesn’t get upgraded.
I went on and updated /opt/script/tools and updated the kernel to 4.19.94-ti-r64
You can see problems with LEDs related to pinctrl in the version output shown in the uname_dogtag_version.txt uploaded file which is taken after updating, upgrading, and upgrading kernel.
Did I break it? Is there something I can do to fix it?
Any suggestions would be welcomed.
Much Thanks,
uname_dogtag_version.txt (4.2 KB)
scripts_kernelupdate terminal screen.txt (10.0 KB)
update_upgrade terminal screen.txt (82.9 KB)