BBB with NodeRed supported?

Hi There,
Back in 2017 I built my home automation around a BBB running Node Red. The new owner has called me after a black out whilst I was able to recover the config, the O/S wasn’t happy and I decided to upgrade. In doing so I found:

  • The “latest” Debian is about 2 years old.
  • The instructions don’t match the installation much at all.
  • There are Node and NPM errors when you run NPM
  • The NodeRed won’t install modules (that I need to run the flows)

Is this code still being developed and supported? Or is it time to move to a new platform?



Node-Red is shipped pre-installed on the monthy snapshots:

Once you flash a new image, just make sure to enable nodered: (it’s disabled by default as we are cpu/memory limited on the BBB)

sudo systemctl enable --now nodered

Then jump on port 1880, the pallet manager should work out of the box, just don’t install ‘npm’, as nodered is using it’s own build of npm/nodejs that is newer then the base OS…


Thanks - the new image worked a charm: New versions of everything (including NodeRed V3 which had more functionality for the recovery) - Good stuff.

One thing I noticed: The /etc/network/network.cfg was missing any config. Not even lo0. Is this worth reporting?


Networking is handled by systemd. Look in /etc/systemd
You will find interface files there and dns