BBBlue connmanctl> enable wifi Error

Hi @LenR, this is just the way connman encodes the wifi names:

# connmanctl services
MyNetwork               wifi_dc85de828967_68756773616d_managed_psk
OtherNET                wifi_dc85de828967_38303944616e69656c73_managed_psk
AnotherOne              wifi_dc85de828967_3257495245363836_managed_wep
FourthNetwork           wifi_dc85de828967_4d7572706879_managed_wep
AnOpenNetwork           wifi_dc85de828967_4d6568657272696e_managed_none

Every wifi network is identified by a name composed as


If you were connecting to OtherNET in the example above you would type:

# connmanctl> connect wifi_dc85de828967_38303944616e69656c73_managed_psk

WIth the transition to Bullseye, we moved from connman → systemd-network so wifi configuration changed…

Latest Buster: Debian 10.x (Buster) - Monthly Snapshots (connman based)

Latest Bullseye: Debian 11.x (Bullseye) - Monthly Snapshots (systemd-networkd)
