Beagleboard - 1st time problems

Hello all,

I got my nice new beagleboard and pico projector today and have run
into a few probs.

First off I only got the beaglebard so that I could run the projector
- that's where my interest lies.

OK - i've got angstrom installed and the login screen is being
displayed by the projector. I can log into the angstrom system from
the console on the serial connection no problem but I can't get any
USB peripherals to work ( keyboard, mouse etc ), either by connecting
direct to the board or via a powered usb hub.

Secondly, what i'd like to do is display images on the projector and I
thought that angstrom would have been the easiest way to do this -
maybe a bit of python code or something. But perhaps this is overkill
- any recomendations on how to do this.

Sorry for the ( probably stooopid ) q's.




Regarding the USB problem: a very likely culprit is that you are using
a cable with a Mini-B connector instead of a Mini-A connector. The
connectors look virtually identical and both plug into the BeagleBoard
USB OTG jack. Here's more info:

Here's an experiment to see if this is the problem. While you are
booting Ångström, short BeagleBoard USB OTG jack P1 pins 4 and 5 with
a probe, a pin, or a short bit of wire. This tells Ångström that it
should be a host rather than a device. Once Ångström has booted, you
don't need the short. If the USB devices work after this, you need to
come up with a more permanent way of shorting pins 4 and 5. The pins
are circled in the photo at

There are other USB OTG hints at

Hope this helps.

You might try running 'exhibit'.

In the pico demo software (Angstrom): 'opkg update; opkg install exhibit'

Using python is fine as well, but thought you might want a GUI to start.

Many thanks to all replies.

It was a type B cable, so a bit of slicing and soldering and I now
have a type A cable that works quite nicely :slight_smile:

All i did was to short pins 4 and 5 with abit of solder.

Once again thanks.
