Beagleboard x-15 availability

I ordered 25 beagleboard x-15 from mouser over 6 months ago and they have not been able to deliver. Digikey does not have them either. Seeed does not seem to be able to ship them. Anyone facing the same issue? Do any other manufacturers make this board?

There are apparently still some supply issues TI has yet to sort with this chip. The beaglebone AI, uses the same chip, and it is also not in stock. I belive Jason Kridner mentioned they were waiting on some parts to build more, but no more news after that.

I have an x-15 that I don’t need. It has hardly been used and is sitting in a box on the shelf. I don’t know the exact model but it does have the FCC / CE marking. I would sell it for 80 euroes. Postage extra outside Europe.

Thank you, very kind of you. we have since found stock.