I have just bought BeagleBoneBlack (RevC3).
Test 1: using the board with monitor (HDMI)
I going throught BeagleBone Black System Reference Manual and I got some issues.
3.4.2 Connecting Up the Board, page 21.
data is not properly aligned with my monitor. It looks like some letters are cut.
I can’t see the desktop screen (the login screen is available alll the time). How should I run desktop screen?
Test 2: Connect the board directly to my PC (Windows) using USB.
I wanted to run first project: https://docs.beagleboard.org/latest/intro/beagle101/blinkLED.html#blinkled
I ran VS Code (
It looks ok but I can write in the Terminal. My keyboard is working - I see typing letters in the file window. Only terminal do not work.
Second strange thing is that red rectangle with error appered.
How can I write something in the terminal?
And why the error occured?
The HDMI issue is almost certainly caused by your monitor, it’s something called HDMI Overscan - Overscan - Wikipedia
There is likely a setting on your monitor itself that will be “Scan-only” or “Dot-by-dot” or something like that depending on the brand. Some will also just list it as an aspect ration setting (16:9). That tells the monitor to not do Overscan and show the image as the device is trying to display it.
If your monitor doesn’t have that, there may be some SW fixes but usually it’s best to fix it with the display itself. (HDMI Overscan Linux) is the term to google here.
For Test #2, can you share a screenshot? Were you able to login past the terminal prompt initially ? I’m not sure what you mean by a red rectangle.
Regarding the overscan issue, most monitors come with a auto-resize button
you can press for it to figure out the settings required to display the source correctly.
Press the magic button and it should align itself to your Beagle proper.
Hi, Thanks for very fast reply. Test 1
I will investigate this ‘overscan’ issue.
What about that I Desktop screen didn appear and I see that login screen all the time?
Status of issues: Test 1: using the board with monitor (HDMI) Issue 1.1 - HDMI Overscan problem solved Issue 1.2 - I can’t see the desktop screen (the login screen is available alll the time). How should I run desktop screen?
Test 2: Connect the board directly to my PC (Windows) using USB.
I wanted to run first project: https://docs.beagleboard.org/latest/intro/beagle101/blinkLED.html#blinkled Issue 2.1 - I ran VS Code ( but I can’t write in the Terminal. My keyboard is working - I see typing letters in the file window. Only terminal do not work. Issue 2.2 - error “Failed to write to ‘state settings’. ENOSPC: no space left on device, write.” appered.
I am going to make short explanation. Maybe it helps somebody.
Issue 2.1 and Issue 2.2 were related to memory issues.
Cloud9 started but when I was typing in the terminal the error occured. When I click RUN button another error occured.
Below you can see screenshoots.
Both errors were related to memory.
I checked memory and I was very surprised. The board is new and the system on the MMC took up 3.4GB: 0 /dev 0 /proc 0 /sys 4.0K /media 4.0K /mnt 4.0K /srv 16K /lost+found 20K /root 28K /home 40K /tmp 1.6M /run 3.5M /etc 6.2M /sbin 8.5M /bin 26M /boot 219M /lib 378M /opt 1003M /usr 1.8G /var 3.4G /
Therefore almost all memory of MMC was used. I was looking for something what I could remove (I’m just starting to learn how to work with Linux). I cleard some logs files in /var/log directory.
The current status: 0 /dev 0 /proc 0 /sys 4.0K /media 4.0K /mnt 4.0K /srv 16K /lost+found 20K /root 40K /home 44K /tmp 1.6M /run 3.5M /etc 6.2M /sbin 8.5M /bin 26M /boot 219M /lib 224M /var 378M /opt 1003M /usr 1.9G /
Currently, I can write in the Cloud9 terminal. I can Run examples. The is no issues with the memory. Currenty I get error: “gdbserver not available”. I am trying to make Internet connection with my BeagleBone Black…
Status of issues: Test 1: using the board with monitor (HDMI) Issue 1.1 - HDMI Overscan problem solved Issue 1.2 - I can’t see the desktop screen (the login screen is available alll the time). How should I run desktop screen?
Test 2: Connect the board directly to my PC (Windows) using USB.
I wanted to run first project: https://docs.beagleboard.org/latest/intro/beagle101/blinkLED.html#blinkled Issue 2.1 - I ran VS Code ( but I can’t write in the Terminal. My keyboard is working - I see typing letters in the file window. Only terminal do not work. problem solved Issue 2.2 - error “Failed to write to ‘state settings’. ENOSPC: no space left on device, write.” appered. problem solved Issue 2.3 - gdbserver not available
Additional questions are,
why NEW BeagleBone Black board have overflowing memory which prevented the example projects from running?
Why getting started manual and getting started section at beaglebone webpage not say anything about Cloud9 ide? It is not supported. Is there any official getting started for Cloud9 and BeagleBone? Or any advices how to change it properly to e.g. VS Code?
As far as VS code, much better options exist. Running either CLion or Pycharm you can do remote builds on your board over ethernet. Not sure if the free version will let you run remote, you might have to get the paid version. If you are a student they have programs for that and those that help out with open source.
It is Debian I get preinstalled on eMMC. Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) Kernel: Linux 4.19.94-ti-r42
Issue 2.3 has been solved.
I had made Internet connection, and installed gdb and gdb server. Now I can run blinkLED example. Thank you.
Status of issues: Test 1: using the board with monitor (HDMI) Issue 1.1 - HDMI Overscan problem solved Issue 1.2 - I can’t see the desktop screen (the login screen is available alll the time). How should I run desktop screen?
Test 2: Connect the board directly to my PC (Windows) using USB.
I wanted to run first project: https://docs.beagleboard.org/latest/intro/beagle101/blinkLED.html#blinkled Issue 2.1 - I ran VS Code ( but I can’t write in the Terminal. My keyboard is working - I see typing letters in the file window. Only terminal do not work. problem solved Issue 2.2 - error “Failed to write to ‘state settings’. ENOSPC: no space left on device, write.” appered. problem solved Issue 2.3 - gdbserver not available. problem solved