I have a BeagleBone Black running Debian 9.9 2019-08-03 4GB SD IoT (https://beagleboard.org/latest-images). I want to integrate it with Sim900a GSM module. But I can’t get the UART working. I’ve connected the pins P9.24 (UART1 TX) to RX of the module, P9.26 (UART1 RX) to TX of the module, and P9.2 (DGND) to Gnd of the module. Also I’ve configured the pins to work as UART by using sudo config-pin P9.24 uart
I’ve tried other UARTs also but no luck. Any help please ?
Well... I suspect my first step would be to put an oscilloscope (or, if
low enough baud rate, just some LED) on the Tx lead to see if anything is
going out. Or even just a loop-back (jumper Tx to Rx, send some short
string and see if the same string is received; I say "short" as you may
need to ensure the reads interleave before any buffer overflows).
Second concern... Based upon https://www.instructables.com/id/GSM-SIM900A-With-Arduino/ the module
operates on 5V. The BBB is 3.3V device! If the module is putting out a 5V
swing on its Tx you've a good chance of damaging the BBB Rx inputs (and
conversely, the module may not be seeing any changes on its Rx). NOTE: if
the module uses a pull-up to 5V on its Rx, you could be damaging the BBB Tx
HOWEVER, further down (Step 3 of the link) they mention "3VR, 3VT, 5Vr,
5VT, VCC and GND". That may indicate the module has both 5V and 3V pins.
You MUST use the 3V pins with the BBB.
What power supply are you providing to the module. You still need a 5V
supply to the module.