Initially, it booted successfully from the SD Card, so I decided to make it flashable. I uncommented the line “cmdline=init=/opt/scripts/tools/eMMC/” in /boot/uEnv.txt.
After rebooting and reflashing the eMMC, the system no longer starts. I thought it might be a hardware issue, so I tried it on another device, but the same problem occurred. There is no output on the serial port, and some LEDs are on (please refer to the attached picture).
I have also attached the log of the flashing process. Could it be a faulty firmware issue? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. reflashing.txt (24.6 KB)
The enable-beagle-flasher is pretty simple, i guess we make it detect the platform and only offer a few examples…
cat usr/sbin/enable-beagle-flasher
#!/bin/sh -e
if ! id | grep -q root; then
echo "enable-beagle-flasher must be run as root:"
echo "sudo enable-beagle-flasher"
if [ -f /etc/default/beagle-flasher ] ; then
sed -i -e 's:/opt/scripts/tools/eMMC/' /boot/uEnv.txt
sed -i -e 's:#cmdline=init:cmdline=init:g' /boot/uEnv.txt
systemctl enable beagle-flasher-init-shutdown.service || true
systemctl disable grow_partition.service || true
echo "log: enable-beagle-flasher"
echo "log: media is now setup to flash other media"
echo "log: Shutdown system and this flasher will run on next startup"
echo "log: enable-beagle-flasher"
echo "log: Please setup /etc/default/beagle-flasher, for the BBB or BBAI..."
echo "log: #BBB: sudo cp -v /etc/beagle-flasher/beaglebone-black-microsd-to-emmc /etc/default/beagle-flasher"
echo "log: #BBAI: sudo cp -v /etc/beagle-flasher/bbai-microsd-to-emmc /etc/default/beagle-flasher"
echo "log: and rerun..."
log: enable-beagle-flasher
log: media is now setup to flash other media
log: Shutdown system and this flasher will run on next startup
root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# reboot
Since the file /etc/default/beagle-flasher already existed on the initial image, there was no indication displayed to execute the example script with the command sudo cp -v /etc/beagle-flasher/beaglebone-black-microsd-to-emmc /etc/default/beagle-flasher (as is part of the else condition). As /etc/default/beagle-flasher is initially a copy of /etc/beagle-flasher/bbai-microsd-to-emmc, I suppose that it resulted in the wrong flasher being executed.
Maybe the platform should be detected in the script and the right copy of the flasher should be done?
Hope it helps,
Regards, Vlad
PS: Also after making things working with the “cp -v /etc/beagle-flasher/beaglebone-black-microsd-to-emmc /etc/default/beagle-flasher” the power button does not shut down the system.
I’m looking at mounted version of am335x-ubuntu-22.04.3-console-armhf-2023-09-21-4gb.img.xz and the default settings of /etc/default/beagle-flasher is correct…
It was my mistake! I downloaded the am57xx-ubuntu-22.04.3-console-armhf-2023-09-21-4gb.img.xz instead of the am335x-ubuntu-22.04.3-console-armhf-2023-09-21-4gb.img.xz.
Will try afterworks with the am335x-ubuntu-22.04.3-console-armhf-2023-09-21-4gb.img.xz and will keep you posted.