beaglebone bonescript reading and understanding analog values

Curious if someone can tell me what I should expect for analog readings from bonescript (nodejs)

If I do an analogread() on pin 38 with my TMP36 temperature sensor plugged in I get a value of .4011234

I’m not sure what that value is supposed to mean. Is it volts? My multi meter reutrns a value of .701 volts.

I plugged the sensor into my arduino just for fun and get readings of like 150 which I can translate to like 72F for the temperatue so I know the sensor is working, I just cant figure out what I should be seeing from my beaglebone to know how to start converting it to a temperature.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Curious if someone can tell me what I should expect for analog readings from bonescript (nodejs)

If I do an analogread() on pin 38 with my TMP36 temperature sensor plugged in I get a value of .4011234

I'm not sure what that value is supposed to mean. Is it volts?

No, it's a normalized number in the range of 0 - 1.0, so it's 0.4 * 1.8 V = 0.72V