BeagleBone Green Wireless with Debian 8.6 IOT Image any tips on WIFI?

I’ve got a Seeed Studio BBGW and I’m having trouble getting the WIFI to function.
The usual searching around was unsuccessful.

I’m into the board with the USB UART device, and all appears well, but the ifconfig command shows only usb and local loopback networks.

The file /etc/network/interfaces has some commented lines which suggest using “connmanctl”, I tried these and only got back strange errors like:

debian@beaglebone:/etc/connman$ connmanctl

enable wifi
Error wifi: Method “SetProperty” with signature “sv” on interface “net.connman.Technology” doesn’t exist

Anyway, does anyone have some tips or a tutorial on how to get the BBGW WIFI up and running?
I don’t want some sort of access point, just a regular ethernet LAN type connection.


Hi Greg,

I've got a Seeed Studio BBGW and I'm having trouble getting the WIFI to
The usual searching around was unsuccessful.

I'm into the board with the USB UART device, and all appears well, but the
ifconfig command shows only usb and local loopback networks.

The file /etc/network/interfaces has some commented lines which suggest
using "connmanctl", I tried these and only got back strange errors like:

debian@beaglebone:/etc/connman$ connmanctl
> enable wifi
Error wifi: Method "SetProperty" with signature "sv" on interface
"net.connman.Technology" doesn't exist


Anyway, does anyone have some tips or a tutorial on how to get the BBGW WIFI
up and running?
I don't want some sort of access point, just a regular ethernet LAN type

Reflash, the factory image on the bbgw had wlan0 problems that we
didn't figure out till way later..

Either blank's will reflash the eMMC, the bone-* will just run from the microSD.

By default it's in hostapd mode, open /etc/default/bb-wl18xx

TETHER_ENABLED=yes -> TETHER_ENABLED=no (or anything other then yes)
and you'll have full control over wlan0:

Here's all the default options:


All working now! Here is an outline of the process.

The goal is to have a working wireless substitute for the ethernet connector which does not exist on the BeagleBone Green Wireless.
This is for a “headless” embedded project with the primary access using a terminal and ssh.

Download and expand the IOT bone image per Robert’s link and flash to micro-sd. I used this one:

Write the image to the micro-sd (I put the micro-sd in a USB adapter plugged into my Ubuntu workstation):

sudo dd if=bone-debian-8.7-iot-armhf-2017-01-15-4gb.img of=/def/sdb bs=8M

Eject the micro-sd from workstation and insert in the BBGW micro-sd slot.
Connect a USB 3.3V serial device to the “debug serial header”. The USB network connection could be substituted, however, my experience
with this is that using the serial device is solid and will work consistently.
Also, since the BBGW doesn’t have a dedicated power connector. It uses the micro-USB.
It is my preference to use a high-current dedicated USB power supply and ignore this as a possible network connection.

Power-up the BBGW and wait for the boot process to complete.
Open a bash terminal and use screen to connect via the serial USB device.

screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

I had to hit enter after the above command to get to the login prompt.

The login user is debian and the password is temppwd.

You may have to install screen:
sudo apt-get install screen

After logging in, a good thing to do first is to run this shell script:

cd /opt/scripts/tools
sudo ./



You should see 4 different network resources (not showing the full output here):


The network resource SoftAp0 represents an “access point”.
Apparently the BBGW is configured as a wireless router!
That is not the goal, and fortunately this is easily removed.
As Robert described above, edit the file:


Change the line:



Save and exit, and reboot, and login.

ifconfig should now show only 3: lo, usb0, and wlan0.

Now to configure WIFI! It is assumed you have a home wireless router and you know the SSID and passphrase.
Also that the router is configured for DHCP (automatic assignment of IP addresses).

sudo connmanctl

scan wifi
Scan completed for wifi
(your router broadcast) (router info)
agent on

Agent registered

connect (copy router info here)
Agent RequestInput (router info)
Passphrase = [ Type=psk, Requirement=mandatory, Alternates=[ WPS ] ]
WPS = [ Type=wpspin, Requirement=alternate ]
Passphrase? (your passphrase)
Connected (router info)

The above configuration is permanent and will survive reboot.
An outstanding page with good info on connman:

Another very good thing is to login to your router and use this to determine if your BBGW is successfully connected.
And remember the router may have security settings which may block it from connecting.
Also, rather than attempting to force a fixed IP address on the BBGW, I used the “address reservation” feature
so that the IP address assigned by the router will be the same each time it connects. This is done using the MAC address of the BBGW.

After the above configuration is done, shutdown and remove the USB serial device.
Power up the BBGW and wait for it to boot, and then using a terminal and ssh you should be able to connect to the BBGW as if an ethernet cable was connected:

ssh debian@(the assigned IP address)

After logging in you should have internet connectivity, so don’t forget to:

sudo apt-get update

Here is an example USB serial device. This should be on your tool kit list:

Thanks Robert for the tip on the 8.7 image! After switching to the new image all went very smoothly after that.
