Beaglebone UART

Hi Everyone,

Does anyone know how many UART's the Beaglebone has? I have an
application that requires at least 3 RS-232 serial ports. I was
thinking of using a TTL<->RS-232 converter to bring up the 3.3v logic
level serial ports on the beaglebone to rs-232 levels. But, I don't
know if it has the UARTs to support this. Thanks in advance for anyone
that replies.


There are up to five of them, depending on how you set up the pin muxing. Four have TX,RX,CTS, and RTS, and the fifth one only TX and Rx.


There are up to five of them, depending on how you set up the pin muxing.
Four have TX,RX,CTS, and RTS, and the fifth one only TX and Rx.

I think that doesn't count the one used for the console that is
connected to the FTDI USB-to-serial adapter, but only the ones on the
expansion headers.

That was only counting the ones needing a level shifter on them to be used, such as on a cape.
