BeagleCast phone number

I've put a phone number up on the website (+1-713-234-0535) for call-in questions to be answered on a weekly podcast I want to startup with Gerald. Some folks have called to try to place orders, to speak to someone live or to discuss business opportunities. That isn't the purpose--it is to get answers out about questions that aren't getting answered otherwise.

Looking forward to your calls. Also, feel free to drop suggestions at


the tinyurl link does not seem to be correct:

Error: Unable to find site's URL to redirect to.
Please check that the URL entered is correct. To learn more about, please visit the homepage.

Could you please send a direct link to the suggestion page?



the tinyurl link does not seem to be correct:

Error: Unable to find site's URL to redirect to.
Please check that the URL entered is correct. To learn more about, please visit the homepage.

Could you please send a direct link to the suggestion page?

Ooops, it is BeagleCast Suggestion