I am running the ns_br and ns_node examples (WiSUN Border router and Node) on a BeaglePlay and a BeagleConnect Freedom correspondingly, I am also using the LPSTK CC135R as node.
My problem is that my BeagleConnect even with the ns_br or ns_node codes I can’t establish a connection.
I am running the ns_br example in a BeaglePlay and everuthing works fine, I even have a couple of nodes connected to it, but when I start the BeagleConnect, it fails to establish the link. It always stays in the Authentication part (State 2).
In the same way I have configured my beagleConnect as ns_br and everything works correctly but I can not link any node to the network created by it.
Hello Friend,
Are you able to ping your Wi-Sun node from terminal?
In my case, my Wi-SUN router node responds to my ping from within spinel-cli.py only.
After I exit spinel-cli.py, start wfantund and wfan0 successfully, my router node never responds to my ping from the terminal
ping6 -I wfan0 your_wisun_node_ipv6