BeaglePlay mikroBUS manifests

I’m currently trying to get a GSM2 CLICK board working with the BeaglePlay but am quite stuck due to the documentation.

I based the following on the GNSS-ZOE-CLICK.mnfs file, as it was the only i could find that also only has UART enabled. I also tried documenting the fields a bit as i couldn’t find any documentation for most of it.


version-major = 0
version-minor = 1

vendor-string-id =  1
product-string-id =  2

[string-descriptor 1]
string = MikroElektronika

[string-descriptor 2]
string = GSM2 CLICK

; RI        IN
pwm-state = 1
; CTS       IN
int-state = 1
; RX        UART
rx-state = 7
; TX        UART
tx-state = 7
;           IN
scl-state = 1
;           IN
sda-state = 1
;           IN
mosi-state = 1
;           IN
miso-state = 1
;           IN
sck-state = 1
; RTS       OUT, low
cs-state = 3
rst-state = 2
; STAT      IN
an-state = 1

[bundle-descriptor 1]
class = 0xa

[cport-descriptor 1]
bundle = 1
; Protocol UART
protocol = 0x4

[device-descriptor 1]
; ref property-descriptor 1
prop-link = 1
; Protocol UART
protocol = 0x4
driver-string-id = 3

[property-descriptor 1]
; ref string-descriptor
name-string-id = 4
type = 0x01
; ref property-descriptor 2
value = <2>

[string-descriptor 3]
string = serdev

[string-descriptor 4]
string = prop-link

[property-descriptor 2]
name-string-id = 5
; prop value size? 4B
type = 0x05
value = <115200>

[string-descriptor 5]
string = current-speed

My question is: is there more documentation somewhere about the manifests? And what driver should i specify for a generic UART device? I tried both serial and serdev but neither seem to work, or at least no serial devices gets created.

Hope the documentation gets better over time, as “beginner board” with a lot of mainstream I/O for me it’s quite hard to understand how to make things work.

Does anyone have a clue on how to deactivate mikrobus and use the pins as standard GPIO pins ?

Already tested by changing the node but I can only control LED0… the mikrobus seems to work differently