BeagleV-Ahead - Toolchain on Yocto?

Here are some of my discoveries since the last time I posted:

  • Empirically, Weston doesn’t seem to work without hardware graphics support.
  • Sway works fine, using a software renderer. It needs “WLR_NO_HARDWARE_CURSORS=1” in the environment.
  • The Ubuntu build doesn’t support the graphics hardware. And it doesn’t intend to, unless and until the drivers are mainlined.
  • RevyOS doesn’t seem to support the GPU either, at least I haven’t seen it do that. The pvrsrvkm.service shows as “failed”, even after I corrected the path in /usr/share/gpu/ But the pvrsrvkm module is already loaded, which seems to be the cause of the “failure”.
  • TCC works great! I built it from Git – the available tarballs are old and they don’t include RISC-V support. I haven’t tried copying the binary to Yocto to see if it works there.