I am using the beagleboard BeagleV-Ahead U-Boot (BeagleV-Ahead / beaglev-ahead-u-boot · GitLab), branch beaglev-v2020.01-1.1.2-ubuntu, and I want to use a custom bootcommand. I therefore add the following parameters to the light_beagle_defconfig:
After applying the defconfig (make light_beagle_defconfig
), I can clearly see those parameters getting set in the .config, exactly as I specified them. However, when I boot u-boot (by flashing the u-boot-with-spl.bin onto an SD card and press the SD button during a power cycle, see also here: BeagleV-Ahead automatic SD card boot) and then execute printenv
, the real bootcmd is unchanged! My custom boot command does not get applied.
Am I doing something wrong here? Do I need to set other config parameters?
Best regards,