BeagleV-Fire and a dirty u-boot versioning/What to do?

Hello…I think, via some debugging probe on uart0, I have a dirty form of u-boot on my board.

My BeagleV-Fire cannot update/upgrade any longer and I wanted to update the board…

Are there any ideas floating around outside of the pages that may help?

If need be, I can try to use SoftConsole and/or Libero Software. Please let me know which route I should take and what data you need to help me.



Also, it seems it is looking for a user button on the output. I am guessing here but I think that the user button in this output once stated is for SD Card usage. Is there a way to hardwire and button for this usage? I grabbed the latest on under BeagleV-Fire-ubuntu and flashed it but without knowing what exactly to do…

Send guidance once you have time. I will try to stay patient.



The commands work and are successful but…

  1. My board on Ubuntu Jammy does not show as a USB Device
  2. My board on Debian Bookworm does not show as a USB Device
  3. Off to try WSL2

I will report back.


And Yep,

I cannot update nor can I update the image to the older image. Is there any workaround for getting a working system for the BeagleV-Fire so I can test the build process?


P.S. WSL2 does not show a USB device either. I tried different combinations of OSs and still notta. Send guidance and/or instructions, please.

Instructions for what Seth?

You’re kinda all over the map here. Is your usbdmsc working or not?

Windows doesn’t recognize my Beagle when in dmsc mode either,
but I have a ThinkStation Tiny, running Linux natively, that does,
so I just dd a known good image from there.

Yes but not so much…

usbdmsc works but the device is not connecting either via MTD or another route. I have no networking on the board for now for whatever reason.


P.S. I am not well-renowned in dd for now. I mean, I can purport images via dd but not with confidence. I will try. Does the board need networking to handle dd?

Apart for downloading the image itself to the “donor” machine, no networking is required.

Okay. How would I go about flashing the BeagleV-Fire? Would I need to have a specific library installed on a Linux Distro?

I read and reread the instructions and I have not gotten the thing to boot via micro SD Card or via Balena or via USB. I even tried to run through the scripts to install via bmap tools.

I have a 3.3v UART0 connection, GND, and I checked the device in /dev/. My board connects but not for Balena or bmap-tools.

Oh! I know what I did not try. I did not try to use dd or the sudo bmaptool copy sdcard.img /dev/sde

Sheesh. I just understood what you were saying.


P.S. Bless you fine young sir!

I will test dd and/or bmaptool.


P.S. I was expecting the USB C to USB C to connect magically to Balena Etcher and for my sdcard.img to then be installed via Etcher. Thonk.

This is what I do:

  • Find the proper device when connected via lsblk.
  • Use sudo dd if=sdcard.img of=/dev/sda bs=512 status=progress to transfer the image.

Change sda to match the right one from lsblk.

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I used sudo bmap …

It is doing something. I will call it a clean sweep once it finalizes!


@lranders ,

Yeppers…I got it good this time. sudo bmaptool copy sdcard.img /dev/sdc worked on my current desktop on a Debian Distro. It fooled me long enough and I finally got it this time around.


P.S. yeppers.