beaglev-fire and updating to a newer image for use with ROS2


I grabbed a day old image from and then applied it to the BeagleV-Fire.

sudo bmaptool copy sdcard.img /dev/sde is the command given and it works. The only issue I see is that when I get into debug sessions, the mmc and usbdmsc commands work but only mmc provides a safe avenue to usbdmsc.

Then, the command usbdmsc only writes so many bytes to the BeagleV-Fire.

I was thinking of pushing ROS2 on this board since it accepts Ubuntu Builds.


P.S. Are there any known, working images from the build artifacts that one can recommend?

I think the issue is a Ethernet bug. I cannot get the Ethernet port to work correctly on any image so far except for the initial image.

I will keep trying other images.


Only arm64 is supported for ROS2, i.e. not riscv64. In any light here, I have not configured things correctly in a while and wanted to try to do the Gateware revision starter scripts again.

I got it! Figured out…

  1. USB adapter to TX/RX and GND
  2. Plug it in first and then apply power to the board
  3. install image by mmc and then usbdmsc
  4. with etcher, find your image and install it

Okay and done…