It was nearly impossible for me to debug my many Verilog bugs (I worked around this by installing Libero on my laptop). @platima provides a solution in his new video at time 17:15 by adding the following line (in bold) to .gitlab-ci.yml. This adds the much needed synthesis log files. Please consider adding this one line to the gateware repo BeagleV-Fire / Gateware · GitLab. Thanks
I agree that @platima 's videos are great. Hence the changes on the way to address the issues he highlighted. I have not been able to keep up with your video production @BustedWing1
Nice work, but personally I loath short form content - I think it’s bad for society as a whole, especially those under 30 that already have attention span issues due to the amount of push notifications, attention-hungry music and expectations of instant gratification these days!
CGP Grey had a really great rant on the societal impacts of it in one of his Cortex podcasts about a year ago, but there’s also a great book I read last year called “Stolen Focus”, which is based a lot around how technology is ingrained in our lives and creates a sense of expectation or urgency.
All good content. Just my 2c though! Happy Friyay ya’ll!
I’ve never been on the ticktock, I don’t have a FB account and I’m very much in agreement with you about push. I tell my kids “it’s your feed because they’re feeding you what they want you to think”. But, back to the short, in just 1 day that silly little video was seen by 1300 people and 350 people watched the entire video. Which, to me, is stunning. So 350ish people learned the name BeagleV-Fire that might have never heard of it… which I think is a potential win. Anyway, I’m gonna play around with shorts and try figure it out. Happy Weekend
Yeah I’m the same - I have Insta for stock image sales, WhatsApp for work, Reddit for tech, and that’s about it. Tiktok can go die in a hole.
You’re not wrong about shorts/reels though - they capture an audience, however, the point that CGP raised; is that the audience that you want, and is that the sort of engagement you want to drive?
Don’t get me wrong, I just put a shorts out today and I do one maybe every month or two, but I think if you build a channel based on it you’ll build a channel that fails. If you do it to share knowledge that can actually be ingested in a bite size format, then definitely good. But most knowledge that is not news is better educated in long form IMHO, else you have to gloss over too much.
@Vauban I tried to create a fork of the gateware repo, but since I already have a fork, gitlab won’t let me create a 2nd fork. This is just so I can try out your updates. I don’t want to mess with my original fork. Any ideas? Thanks!