Hello There…it seems whenever I figured this would work, I was mistaken.
I got a part number ZP-0110 from S2PI but for some reason I was mistaken… Do not get this item.
It will not fit the BeagleY-AI (I think).
P.S. Speaking Heatsinks, does anyone know of where to get one that may fit for the BeagleY-AI?
RPI 5 is exact fit, also, it works out of the box, bby has it already enabled and same connector. I believe I added some thermal tape in the appropriate thickness. You will see when you get it since the layout is different.
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5 and A-Okay. I got another variation.
P.S. Back to shopping (my nemesis).
I found one: Raspberry Pi 5 Official Active Cooler
They say official but not for the BeagleY-AI.
Did beagleboard.org people make their WiFi Adapter or something?