BeagleY-AI Support for Random non-affiliated Capes?

Nothing too technical here, i.e. as I am still learning about the BeagleY-AI.

I found these people that produce random electronics but when reviewing some of their builds, I noticed a module they produce that may be associated with the BeagleY-AI if conclusive.

Now, I am not sure about their source for their version of the daughter card. I would need to review it and change things within the source to handle it for the BeagleY-AI.


P.S. If there is going to be other Capes for the BeagleY-AI that can handle specifics, nice. If not, I may try the building of their source into a mix of workings for the BeagleY-AI.

mjbots/pi3hat (

If you are working to make this work on the BeagleY-AI, please come out of hiding. I would love to work with you on this subject matter!

AM67A already have two MCAN integrated. Need to check sch to make sure at least one was fanned out to 40pin conn.

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@tty0x24 ,

Thank you for your reply…

I will get one and test it.


The can ports don’t show up on the 40 pin connectors but on the CSI connectors.
I found 3 CAN ports. I have a design which I posted earlier on one beagleboard blog but have the RX and TX swapped on my driver on that one. I accidentally copied the wrong schematic but I can’t find it to fix it. When I get my boards from seed and I get it to work I will publish the info on my website. I will also have a 3d printed box for it.

I haven’t been able to get it to boot my gentoo yet, not sure why.
