Booting Linux on the Beagleboard xM Rev C

I am about to copy the file according to Circuitco Win32DisckImager under Windows.

3.Download the SD card image you want to use. These are the images that ship with the boards and are a full GUI image with demos.

Where do I find the images to be copied by Win32DiskImager? (The images shipped with the board does not have full GUI image.)

It also describes the Linux in the following:
Is this the SECOND step after the Window copy and put under Beagleboard Linux system?

To initialize your card under Linux, you can do the following:

1.wget or wget
2.zcat BeagleboardxM/ | dd of=/dev/your/sd/card bs=8225280


These are the images that ships with the board and they do have a full GUI. These are the the images for the BeagleBoard-xM Rev C boards.

Earlier versions can be found here.


I am about to copy the file according to Circuitco Win32DisckImager under Windows.

3.Download the SD card image you want to use. These are the images that ship with the boards and are a full GUI image with demos.

Where do I find the images to be copied by Win32DiskImager? (The images shipped with the board does not have full GUI image.)

It also describes the Linux in the following:
Is this the SECOND step after the Window copy and put under Beagleboard Linux system?

To initialize your card under Linux, you can do the following:

1.wget or wget
2.zcat BeagleboardxM/ | dd of=/dev/your/sd/card bs=8225280

Don't believe that part of the instructions. I don't currently have
access to edit the wiki page, which is fine by me, but you should know
they did create .zip files, not gzip files. The corrected procedure,
which takes up a bit more disk space is:

2. 'unzip' or 'unzip'
3. 'dd if=xMc_3_30.img of=/dev/your/sd/card bs=10M' or 'dd
if=xMc_3_30.img of=/dev/your/sd/card bs=10M'

The block size isn't all that critical, as long as it is large enough
to avoid the writes on your USB programmer from being flushed too
often and having you wait forever as the writes are committed to the
SD card. I find that bigger values are somewhat better, but don't go
over your free RAM.