Building a BBB debian console image using image builder

I am trying to build an image using image builder[1].

I seek clarity on the correct approach if I intend to only build a console image. The steps I took are based on in the repo

Running ./ seems to generate all the images. Can I clarify what is the best way to modify the script to properly generate only a console image?

I have also ran:
./ -c rcn-ee_console_debian_jessie_armhf

The resultant image is bootable but I am unsure if this is the BBB debian console image.

I am also under the impression whichever step I chose, I still need to generate an image file for my microsd card
sudo ./ --img-2gb bone-debian-7.X-201Y-MM-DD --dtb beaglebone \
--enable-systemd --bbb-old-bootloader-in-emmc

Please correct me if any of my assumptions are wrong. Thanks


I am trying to build an image using image builder[1].

I seek clarity on the correct approach if I intend to only build a console image. The steps I took are based on in the repo

Running ./ seems to generate all the images. Can I clarify what is the best way to modify the script to properly generate only a console image?

I have also ran:
./ -c rcn-ee_console_debian_jessie_armhf


./ -c

The resultant image is bootable but I am unsure if this is the BBB debian console image.

I am also under the impression whichever step I chose, I still need to generate an image file for my microsd card
sudo ./ --img-2gb bone-debian-7.X-201Y-MM-DD --dtb beaglebone \
--enable-systemd --bbb-old-bootloader-in-emmc

for jessie, you can drop the --enable-systemd, that was for wheezy..

the default options i usually pass are:

--img-2gb bone-debian-7.X-201Y-MM-DD --dtb beaglebone --rootfs_label
rootfs --hostname beaglebone --enable-cape-universal

if you want it to auto flash the eMMC also add:



I am trying to build an image using image builder[1].

I seek clarity on the correct approach if I intend to only build a console image. The steps I took are based on in the repo

Running ./ seems to generate all the images. Can I clarify what is the best way to modify the script to properly generate only a console image?

I have also ran:
./ -c rcn-ee_console_debian_jessie_armhf


./ -c

In general, what are the differences between the, rcn-eewiki, machinekit and seeed generated?

The resultant image is bootable but I am unsure if this is the BBB debian console image.

I am also under the impression whichever step I chose, I still need to generate an image file for my microsd card
sudo ./ --img-2gb bone-debian-7.X-201Y-MM-DD --dtb beaglebone
–enable-systemd --bbb-old-bootloader-in-emmc

for jessie, you can drop the --enable-systemd, that was for wheezy…

the default options i usually pass are:

–img-2gb bone-debian-7.X-201Y-MM-DD --dtb beaglebone --rootfs_label
rootfs --hostname beaglebone --enable-cape-universal

for the option --img-2gb, how do you arrive at the choice of 2gb instead of say 8gb?

./ -c

In general, what are the differences between the, rcn-eewiki,
machinekit and seeed generated?

So the is for images.

rcn-ee are the ones i've shoved on elinux

eewiki are the ones used for the guide's

machinekit is the image customized for xenomai and the machinekit project

seeed is image plus a few addons for SeeedStudio's out of box
experience (just one extra package)

--img-2gb bone-debian-7.X-201Y-MM-DD --dtb beaglebone --rootfs_label
rootfs --hostname beaglebone --enable-cape-universal

for the option --img-2gb, how do you arrive at the choice of 2gb instead of
say 8gb?

i know it'll fit, there's no error checking if you specify an img file
too small.. if it's too big you just waste time writing it to the

you also don't have to use "--img-Xgb" as the script
can also directly write the image to a microSD card.
