Can i use P9_15 i.e. GPIO1_16 as ethernet reset pin instead of GPIO1[8] for my Beagle bone black?

I want to use gpio1[8] as CAN Tx which is currently used for ethernet reset pin.
Can someone please help me in this on how to achieve this?

I’d say it would be a challenge
GPIO1_8 (E18), ETH_RST_GPIO1_8, U1 (SN74AHC1G09DCKR)
you would need to cut a trace some where between GPIO1_8 (E18) and the input of U1

GPIO1_16 (R13), R160, P9-15
then remove R160
then add a jumper between R160, GPIO1_16 (R13) side
and U1 input that came from GPIO1_8 (E18)

after that if you don’t FUBAR things,
you would be ready to update the dts file

then you would need to bring the CAN TX/RX out to somewhere, with jumper wires.

so, IMO, unless your very skilled and have the tools to do this kind of change/work, don’t try it.

Thank you for your reply!

I have managed to do the hardware change…i now want to know what and where i should change the dts file?

Can you please provide me with the necessary dts file required for it?

what image are you working with ?

No worries, the issue has been solved.
Thank you for the help!

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