Can someone explain this Cloud9 Message

When I run my javascript in Cloud9 I get the following warning and I don’t know what it means.

Also I can’t access the web page the script is supposed to be serving. The relevant code is posted below the warning.

Running Node Process

Your code is running at ‘’.

Important: in your scripts, use ‘process.env.PORT’ as port and ‘’ as host.

info: started

Server running on:

Code Start:

var app = require(‘http’).createServer(handler);

var io = require(‘’).listen(app);

var fs = require(‘fs’);

var b = require(‘bonescript’);


// options go here

io.set(‘log level’, 2); // reduce logging - set 1 for warn, 2 for info, 3 for debug

io.set(‘browser client minification’, true); // send minified client

io.set(‘browser client etag’, true); // apply etag caching logic based on version number

console.log(‘Server running on: http://’ + getIPAddress() + ‘:8080’);

var outputPin1 = “P8_16”; //0.5dB

var outputPin2 = ‘P8_11’; //1dB

var outputPin3 = ‘P8_12’; //2dB

var outputPin4 = ‘P8_14’; //4db

var outputPin5 = ‘P8_15’; //8dB

var outputPin6 = ‘P8_17’; //Latch Enable

// configure pins and set all low

b.pinMode(outputPin1, ‘out’);

b.pinMode(outputPin2, ‘out’);

b.pinMode(outputPin3, ‘out’);

b.pinMode(outputPin4, ‘out’);

b.pinMode(outputPin5, ‘out’);

b.pinMode(outputPin6, ‘out’);

function handler (req, res) {

if (req.url == “/favicon.ico”){ // handle requests for favico.ico

res.writeHead(200, {‘Content-Type’: ‘image/x-icon’} );


console.log(‘favicon requested’);



fs.readFile(‘webpage.html’, // load html file

function (err, data) {

if (err) {


return res.end(‘Error loading webpage.html’);






io.sockets.on(‘connection’, function (socket) {

// This is where we check the status of each Switch on the GUI

socket.on(‘Output1’, function (data) {

if (data == ‘on’) {

//Set the Pin High


console.log (“0.5dB On”);

} else if (data == ‘off’) {

//Set the Pin Low


console.log (“0.5dB Off”);







// Get server IP address on LAN

function getIPAddress() {

var interfaces = require(‘os’).networkInterfaces();

for (var devName in interfaces) {

var iface = interfaces[devName];

for (var i = 0; i < iface.length; i++) {

var alias = iface[i];

if ( === ‘IPv4’ && alias.address !== ‘’ && !alias.internal)

return alias.address;



return ‘’;
