Cannot boot up Beaglebone Black after an overload on SYS5V pin

I tried to power DLP2000EVM using the SYS5V and GND pins. And when I found that the voltage between two pins descended to 4.5V, the board had shut down. I cannot boot it up thereafter.
Now when powering up the boad, LEDs can be lit up, but they pause as shown in the picture with all the LEDs lighting up. After about 40 seconds, they all turns off and repeat the process again. It seems like that the board is trying to boot.

Impossible to say…

Try connecting a 3.3V USB-to-Serial converter to the 6 pin connector right along P9
and post the output. The line-rate is 115200.

Yes you need to connect up the serial port to see what is happening.

However if you want to power the BBB via the header pins, do not used SYS_5V. It is an output from the PMIC and it probably won’t be happy if you connect 5V to it. Use the VDD_5V pin instead.

FYI, (i don’t recommend it)
i accidentally did apply 5v to SYS_5V, with a LCD display attached, the connection was on the LCD header.
after realizing what i did, and corrected the issue.
the BBB booted ok.
hope ya have the same or better luck.

Thank you, amf99 and benedict.hewson.
I don’ know why I can’t boot up the system then, but I can boot it up now. Sorry for that.
Now I boot it up with the emmc instead of SD card.