Capture HDMI frames on x15?

Hello Beagles

Would it be possible to capture and encode HDMI signal
using this chip

and the x15?


No, this is a lcd framer chip… Exact same chip we used on the BeagleBoard xm to take the LCD output and convert it to dvi/HDMI…


Yes but if I had the HDMI signal decoded to parallel,
does the x15 have a parallel input thats fast enough?


Yes but if I had the HDMI signal decoded to parallel,
does the x15 have a parallel input thats fast enough?

Sorry I mis read the part number…

This is an dvi/HDMI decoder to LCD chip.(unencrypted only)

This would require sampling 24 pins…

Something like

Would work better…

The point of doing it in parallel was mostly a financial one.

The magewell is 300$ and the TFP401 is about 15$


Is there another smarter way of reading the HDMI signal directly
over serial or parallel I/O? without using a dongle.

like PCIe, eSATA or USB3?

as far as I can tell HDMI has 3 data lines.


Is there another smarter way of reading the HDMI signal directly
over serial or parallel I/O? without using a dongle.

like PCIe, eSATA or USB3?

Yeah.. usb3 with:

as far as I can tell HDMI has 3 data lines.

Yes.. NO... look at the bit rate of hdmi... not going to happen..


Not without more stuff added to it. Best bet is to convert the TTL data to PCIe or USB3. You might be able to use a camera port, but you would be loosing some fidelity on the video signal.

Also, it is is video only, No audio.


how about connecting the TFP401 to this one: ?


It might work.


Is there another smarter way of reading the HDMI signal directly

Yeah… usb3 with:

I was looking at that earlier, actually a similar model…

But I was afraid it would not work with Linux at the receiving end.
What package(s) would I use to capture the data and write it to the filesystem? gstreamer? ffmpeg?
Robert, do you know for sure that these will work on the X10 or other Beagle boards? I have the BBB but would upgrade to a USB3 board if necessary.

I started down another path for hdmi capture, using this:

Which writes to a USB mass storage device. I attached that to the usb-device port on the BBB. For simply storing the captured video this works great but I found that I can’t just tail the files being written and process them ‘live’. I can see that the partition is being written to via the the mod time on /dev/sda/ the file system shows 0 bytes for each new file. I can’t access the files until disconnecting the capture device remounting the backing storage. I have a few ideas to overcome that but I think using the Hauppauge makes more sense if it works with common linux tools.


No idea, and it's something i really do not care about..

But think about it.. If it's actively capturing hdmi (large data
rate), it'll either stream that data over USB 3.0 (or 2.0 if it
encodes it something smaller).. Either way you then have to save it
fast to some storage..

So go test it yourself..
