Compatibility Layer and PWM/GPIO

I am trying to get the Compatibility Layer working w/ GPIO and PWM on the BBB.

I seem to be missing something…

The source runs well but does not make motion via motor and motor driver. I am pretty sure, pretty sure, that my connections to GPIO (P9.12) and PWM (P9.16) are correct.

I grounded everything that needs GND and then used 3.3v to power the logic portion of the driver.

I changed /dev/bone/pwm/* to suit my needs w/ permissions as I thought this would conquer the issue…

I used chown to change root.root to debian.gpio.


P.S. If you know how to operate the Compatibility Layer, please jump in.


The compatibility layer works (as everyone already knew)!

It is (was) my wiring…now for an E-Stop and some limiting!