Concerns with Battery Cape?

I bought a battery cape for BBB last year. I just bought 8 eneloop 2500 mah AA batteries for it, but I noticed the cape is discontinued. Was there issues with the cape and BBB?

there were no direct issues with the battery cape when used with the BeagleBone or BeagleBone Black, however the design of the cape was not optimal both from an electrical and cost perspective. further production of the cape has been discontinued in favor of a redesigned cape with battery operations as the primary goal. we currently do not have a scheduled release date for the new battery cape.


you’ll have to wait for an official answer as to why they were discontinued, but I have one and it works ok with both the black or white bones and pretty much any other capes. the only caution I have is to use it only with batteries, as my cape earned a trip to beagle hospital, i.e. rma after powering it from a supply of greater than 3v but lower than v-max specified in the srm which resulted in a release of magic smoke.
