Customize My Gateware with Custom Bitstream?

sudo /usr/share/beagleboard/gateware/ ./my_custom_fpga_design is the command in question…

I have followed the instructions on the pages and I am currently facing an issue:

Changing gateware.
No gateware file found.

Is anyone having this issue so far? I downloaded the and tried to install it but all I have currently is the mpfs_dtbo.spi file and this is not allowing me via USB C communication to get the customization installed…


P.S. If you understand, perfect! If not, please tell me what you need to help me, i.e. as I am courageously trying here!

Oh and I cannot update either. I am not sure exactly what the issue is for now…

deploy failed but build was successful on the section on where I would find the file…


If you cat the script, you should be able to ascertain what to point at.

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Are you discussing the deploy file that I should command with cat?


dh_install: warning: Cannot find (any matches for) "gateware-builds-tester/artifacts/bitstreams/my_custom_fpga_design/DirectC/*" (tried in ., debian/tmp)
dh_install: warning: missing files: gateware-builds-tester/artifacts/bitstreams/my_custom_fpga_design/DirectC/*
dh_install: warning: Cannot find (any matches for) "gateware-builds-tester/artifacts/bitstreams/my_custom_fpga_design/FlashProExpress/*" (tried in ., debian/tmp)
dh_install: warning: missing files: gateware-builds-tester/artifacts/bitstreams/my_custom_fpga_design/FlashProExpress/*
dh_install: error: missing files, aborting

Here is the output of that command on the deploy file.

Forget this for now!