Debian run a python script on power up

Creating a service on Angstrom to run a python script on power up works great. I tried to do the same with Debian but had no luck. Is this possible?


Creating a service on Angstrom to run a python script on power up works great. I tried to do the same with Debian but had no luck. Is this possible?

If you’re using a systemd-based Debian (like the current shipping version of BBB), create a file in /etc/systemd/system/ named example.service (for example)

It should contain the following

Description=Example of a service

ExecStart=/bin/bash -c ‘cd /home/example ; python 2> example.err > example.out’


then give the command

systemctl enable example.service

When you reboot, your script will execute.

Sorry but I’m doing something wrong. Not that familiar with Linux

This code works in Angstrom showing test on a small screen