Discontinued Products

A limited number of the BSM SIPs have come in for some more PocketBeagle boards, but the larger BSP SIP is still unobtainable at any reasonable cost. That means that BeagleBone Blue and BeagleBone Black Wireless have not been possible for us to make for a while. We are doing what we can to address the on-going demand for all 3 of these boards, including an updated version of PocketBeagle without a SIP. You might conjecture on the other 2.

Otherwise we stayed in production on BeagleBone Black and BeagleBone Black Industrial on the entire shortage and BeagleBone X15 was recently built and BeagleBone AI is being built now. Newly launched BeagleBone AI-64 and BeaglePlay are not supply constrained as we avoided any hard to get parts in the designs.

BeagleV-Ahead is a bit more experimental and we’ll need to see what the demand is to know when we can build more, but there is a good amount in distribution now.

If you have specific near-term needs, do continue to reach out to me. Calendly - Jason Kridner.