This wasn’t a specifically required feature fed into design, no, but let’s not give up before we take a look–it might have either been considered or we might get lucky.
Per the datasheet, INTB/PMEB can be configured to generate a PME that is active-low and should be pulled-up to enable this function.
I had to go to the schematic to find the circuit showing the pull-up and level shifter (between PHY 3.3V and SoC 1.8V) on INTB which is fed into the AM62’s GBE_INTn.
GBE_INTn is provided on ball L21. According to SYSCONFIG (and notes on the schematic), this is GPIO0_42. This is in the
Well, I don’t think you can shut the power to the processor completely off and perform a wake, but you might be able to go into suspend-to-disk and wake.
Well, Robert would know this and it seems like the answer is no. Looking at a related E2E question, it seems the TI SDK (9.0) as of a year ago only supported wake-up from MCU-domain GPIOs, not MAIN-domain GPIOs, like GPIO0_42.
It could be worth following-up to see if this year’s SDK (10 vs. 9 for last year) has the Wake-on-LAN validated or if additional sleep modes are supported besides DeepSleep and MCU-only modes. They indicated 9.1 would have wake from MAIN GPIO pins and 10.0 has been out a while.
In the end, it looks possible to me, but will need some software work and the lowest-possible sleep modes for the processor might not be possible, but at least entering some kind of suspend mode should be possible.