Driving Dimension Engineering Boards via UART from BeagleBoard.org SBCs

Hey There…I am trying to build a localized, on board, Python3 script to better acquaint myself with UART communication but…

  1. There is a .toml file used.
  2. A few files are used to associate the github repo with pip3 (python3 -m pip).
  3. I am trying with this link: How to create a Python library. Ever wanted to create a Python library… | by Kia Eisinga | Analytics Vidhya | Medium

I planned on using setuptools to create the lib. and install it locally but for some reason…I am getting error prone messages as output on the terminal.

If you are using Dimension Engineering boards (mostly 5v TTL) but have UART communication jargon down pat, I would like your feedback.


P.S. Any and all feedback is welcomed (I think). I will keep trying to do some coding and alterations on the library build locally.

Here is what I consider the library: pysabertooth/pysabertooth/PySabertooth.py at master · MomsFriendlyRobotCompany/pysabertooth · GitHub and it is MIT licensed but out-of-date and currently it is not working.

i was going to reup and try again to build it locally without pypi and pip3.

Do you see anything in the github repo that strikes you as obvious or needing change? It seems simple enough but it is not so far.

Why is it not simple? Well, I am not familiar with .toml files so far and I need to research more .toml code.

Another way to me that makes it a bit difficult…
