Embedded development in OpenModelica similar to Simulink

Hi all,

Those interested in embedded development with Simulink will be happy to know that Mathworks released some form of official support for the BeagleBone Black with version R2014b and a hardware support package.

I’ll be trying that out when my university finally gets its which may take months.

In the meantime, has anyone done anything with Openmodelica? Its an open source alternative to Matlab and Simulink, mainly run by a University professor in I think Switzerland (or Sweden).


What about embedded development with it? I will post in their forums also.

I hope its not too complicated to add PRU and other high featured/low level functionality to Simulink etc.

Many vehicle manufacturers use Simulink or similar stuff in their programming and testing of ECUs and similar projects to help manage and visualise the code better. This can also be known as “hardware in the loop” depending on the scenario.

Hopefully there will be some open source development for those additions to SImulink and Openmodelica.
