Error when trying to cross-debug from Eclipse

Hi -

I’ve performed all the necessary steps as outlined by Dr. Molloy in his book, but when I attempt to start debugging on the BBB from my desktop, I get the following error:

/usr/bin/gdbserver :12345 /home/mzimmers/BBBTest;exit

mzimmers@debian:~/eclipse$ /usr/bin/gdbserver :12345 /home/mzimmers/BBBTest;exi
Can’t bind address: Address already in use.

I assumed by “address” they meant IP address. I changed it to 12346, and now I get this error:

Error in final launch sequence
Failed to execute MI command:
-target-select remote debian:12346
Error message from debugger back end:
Remote register badly formatted: T0506:0000000000000000;07:40e2ffffff7f0000;10:8e4c006000000000;thread:p71a9.71a9;core:0;\nhere: 00000000;07:40e2ffffff7f0000;10:8e4c006000000000;thread:p71a9.71a9;core:0;
Remote register badly formatted: T0506:0000000000000000;07:40e2ffffff7f0000;10:8e4c006000000000;thread:p71a9.71a9;core:0;\nhere: 00000000;07:40e2ffffff7f0000;10:8e4c006000000000;thread:p71a9.71a9;core:0;

This message is way outside my pay grade; can someone tell me what I might be doing wrong?


