Errors loading DSP modules

I'm trying to exercise he DSP using the following Angstrom binaries:


When I try to load the DSP modules I get the errors below. Any help

root@beagleboard:~# /usr/share/ti-dmai/

You have 66948kB total memory for Linux
[ 230.487945] cmemk: disagrees about version of symbol struct_module
FATAL: Error inserting cmemk (/lib/modules/2.6.29-omap1/kernel/drivers/
dsp/cmemk.ko): Invalid module format
[ 230.517303] dsplinkk: disagrees about version of symbol
FATAL: Error inserting dsplinkk (/lib/modules/2.6.29-omap1/kernel/
drivers/dsp/dsplinkk.ko): Invalid module format
[ 230.538574] dsplinkk: disagrees about version of symbol
WARNING: Error inserting dsplink[ 230.548400] lpm_omap3530: disagrees
about version of symbol struct_module
k (/lib/modules/2.6.29-omap1/kernel/drivers/dsp/dsplinkk.ko): Invalid
module format
FATAL: Error inserting lpm_omap3530 (/lib/modules/2.6.29-omap1/kernel/
drivers/dsp/lpm_omap3530.ko): Invalid module format

Try looking at your dmesg output, I had that same error, for me it was
caused by the version of the dsplink on the GPU and the DSP being

[ 5260.788635] Version mismatch between GPP and DSP-side
[ 5260.793762] GPP-side version [1.61.03]:
[ 5260.798278] DSP-side version [1.60]:

I think there was also a mismatch in cmem versions,(dmesg will tell
you this)

What worked for me was following these instructions
to compile/install the codec engine in OE.

and this thread
(especially Brijesh's two posts.) on how to launch the pipeline

Currently I have compiled the DSP, played an MP4 without it crashing,
however something about playing videos on the DSP seems to be
crashing my USB bus,


Thanks - The info from these links basically worked for me. I can
build/run the examples.
They occasionally crash the OS - but that's another issue.