Hi all

This may be of interest to some people: Based on a quick test it seems that the EVE1 subsystem is actually functional, at least on my x15: I can bring it up via PRCM and access its registers. (The other three EVEs refuse to power up.)

Now I do have a board with the mysterious “AM5729” part code on it, so I don’t know if the final production AM5728 parts also have it enabled. My understanding was that the EVEs were not supported on the AM572x, but I’m getting some mixed signals:

If you look at the extended version history (appendix B) of the latest AM572x TRM you will find that it “Added Embedded Vision Engine (EVE) Support”, and EVE has been removed from all the red “X, Y, and Z are not supported in this family of devices” notices throughout the TRM. Does anyone know what to make of this?

(EVE itself still isn’t documented in the latest AM572x TRM, although it has a detailed chapter in the public TDA2 TRM.)


Well, the exact part used on BeagleBoard-X15 Rev C is not a Catalog-available part at this point and is therefore not documented. If you want to build a board based on BeagleBoard-X15, use AM5728 and don’t use the EVEs. They are essentially available for BeagleBoard-X15 Rev C board “hacking” at this point and until further notice.

Robert Nelson has been playing with the “TI Deep Learning Library” bits lately and we’ll see what becomes of it. Theoretically, EVE(s) could get enabled by the updated OpenCL and TIDL-enabled monitor blobs, but this work is all very fresh. Stay tuned.