Exploring Gateware Design with Libero - Miss-match in function call in Python script


In file build_gateware.py, line 505 the function is called with 2 parameters:
generate_gateware_overlays(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "bitstream", "LinuxProgramming"), build_options_list)

The called function in generate_gateway_overlay.py, line 157 is defined with 3 parameters:
def generate_gateware_overlays(fpga_design_src_path, overlay_dir_path, build_options_list):

Is there an update to the gateware scripts?

Regards, Mike.

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What you have in the Gateware repo is the newest stuff.

It is strange that one call has 2 arguments while another has 3,
but remember that the main function of “build_gateware.py” is never called,
just build_gateware is, and that is called with 3 parameters.

I think we can say, you spotted a latent bug.
Feel free to open an Issue on the repo; that way it won’t be forgotten about.